- Welcome
- Topic 1: Background of Ocular Sympathetics
- Topic 2: Elements of the Case History
- Topic 3: Clinical Tests
- Topic 4: Confirmatory and Diagnostic Tests
- Topic 5: Patient Education
- Topic 6: Treatment and Referral
- Conclusion
Welcome to this online unit covering the Ocular Effects of the Sympathetic Nervous System.
Importance of this material
The theoretical and scientific realms often seem to have little relation with clinical practice. Yet, everything we do in clinic is based upon sound scientific and theoretical principles. It is by understanding these core ideas that you are able to effectively diagnose and treat your patients. In the case of Horner’s syndrome, the clinician’s actions and thoughts, based as they are upon a foundation of theory, may mean the difference between life and death. Over the next several minutes, you will learn how to make appropriate clinical judgments based upon a firm foundation of theoretical and scientific truth.
What You Will Learn (Goals)
In this instruction, you will learn about:
- The sympathetic nervous system as it relates to the eye;
- The case history as a tool to diagnosing sympathetic Horner’s syndrome;
- Routine clinical tests that are used to diagnose Horner’s syndrome;
- Pharmacological tests that are used to confirm and diagnose Horner’s syndrome;
- Patient education points for a diagnosis of Horner’s syndrome; and
- Appropriate treatment for Horner’s syndrome
Before taking this instruction, you will need to:
- Understand the basics of human biology and chemistry;
- Have a functional understanding of the autonomic nervous system and its effects on the eye to benefit optimally from the proposed training (what we have covered in class to this point should suffice); and
- Be motivated to master the sympathetic nervous system and its ocular implications, for the benefit of your clinical practice
This instruction is divided into 6 topics:
- Topic 1: Background of Ocular Sympathetics;
- Topic 2: Elements of the Case History;
- Topic 3: Clinical Tests;
- Topic 4: Confirmatory and Diagnostic Testing;
- Topic 5: Patient Education; and
- Topic 6: Treatment and Referral
Each topic will have a variety of activities to complete, from reading text to answering questions. For multiple-choice questions, click on the answer you like.
Some activities may require a pencil and paper.
Though topics can be taken in any order, or skipped entirely, it is recommended that you complete all topics in the prescribed order.
Bold text indicates an important term.
Italic text indicates an important concept.
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Intended Learners
This instruction is intended for first-year Optometry students, to be taken as a supplement to OPT 113 (Neuroanatomy).
Time to Complete
This instruction should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Before beginning the instruction, please complete the following pre-test. Once you have submitted your test, move on to the next page.
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