Videos produced for the completion of IDT coursework, of varying levels of sophistication. Eccentric topics of no particular organization.

Reflections on Web 2.0 and Visible Thinking Techniques
Developed for IDT 7078: Seminar in Instructional Design and Technology, this video explores the exciting, worrying, and poorly developed thoughts I had about implementing Web 2.0 tools and Visible Thinking techniques in my current classes (c. 2013).
Created with the (dearly departed) Xtranormal State software. Click the button below the video to view the references.
For more information about Visible Thinking, please visit Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero website.

Rapid Prototyping
A review of the technique, and triple entendré.
Developed in a hurry using the KineMaster Android app on a first-gen Moto X, for IDT 8074: Theory and Models of Instructional Design. Click the button below the video to view the resource document.

Cognitive Load Theory in Instructional Design: An Overview
Developed for IDT 8074: Theory and Models of Instructional Design. Attempts to fulfill its title. Some basic neuroanatomy crept into the content. I have since learned the correct pronounciation of "extraneous."
Created in Final Cut Pro for Mac. Click the button below the video to view the associated resource document.

The Use of Virtual Dissection Programs in the Anatomy Lab
Developed for IDT 8052: Introduction to the Field of IDT. Explores the pros and cons.
Created in Final Cut Pro for Mac.

Best Practices in Professional Continuing Education
Developed for IDT 8052: Introduction to the Field of IDT. A topic near and dear to my optometric heart.
Created in Final Cut Pro for Mac.